Microwave Popcorn and Alzheimer, Lung Disease and Asthma?

My family loves popcorn and we eat a lot of it.  However, we gave up microwave popcorn over a year ago because of all the artificial additives and flavors.  Not to long ago, I came across an article about the lung damage that the workers were experiencing in factories that make microwave popcorn.  Diacetyl (DA) …

Is Your Health Suffering Because of MSG?

MSG, also known as monosodium glutamate, has many harmful effects on your body.  It may be possible that you are sensitive to this processed additive and are unaware that the problems you are having may be linked to this additive.  You find it a lot in Chinese food, but also in many processed foods.  Since …

Is Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Harming Your Health?

Years ago when Aspartame (Nutrasweet) first came out I noticed that I would get terrible headaches after drinking a diet cola containing this product.  At the same time, my cousin was starting to blackout and become disoriented after she would drink these diet colas.  Her doctor told her aspartame affected the neurological system.  We both …

Inside Your Food