Bananas seem to be a staple in our home. I like them when they still have a little green tint to them but my husband likes them when the peel starts to turn brown. That works great for us because once they are to ripe for me they are just right for him. If they are to ripe but I am needing an extra lift, I like to mash it and add a little nut butter for a healthy snack. I read a lot about the benefits of berries and apples and an assortment of other fruits, but I rarely see many articles on the health benefits of bananas. Bananas are low in calories, about 100 calories for an average size banana, low in fat and are about 70% water which helps to clean your large intestine. If you have ever participated in an athletic event, you can always count on finding bananas before or after the event. They give you a quick boost of energy so they make a great snack to eat on the way to a workout. Check out the article below for more benefits and nutritional facts about bananas…
Bananas: understanding the health benefits and nutrition facts …
Can you name a ready-made food which is easy to chew, gets digested equally fast (so that it is a boon to the elderly and to infants), is rather inexpensive,