Can you believe it is October already? I saw a neon sign in the neighborhood recently that is counting down the days until Christmas! I am not really ready to think about Christmas right now because I enjoy the fall season. The cooler weather and colored leaves make be feel at peace.
Of course, we have Halloween coming up on the last day of October and a friend of mine was talking about having a party for her teenagers. I know when you think of Halloween and parties, what comes to mind most of the time as far as food is the candy that is laden with artificial dyes and ingredients. However, there are some fun alternatives and I discovered a really good site where she pulled a lot of them from various sites onto one site. They are quite creative and most of them I would never have thought of myself. They are made with fruits, vegetables, cheese, pretzels and other nutritious foods that are fun to create and fun and healthy to eat. I am not the most creative person and if you aren’t either but want to do something easy, fun and healthy for your kids, co-workers or just for yourself because you love Halloween, check out this link